viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009
Just think...
jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009
miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009
I arrived at the fourth floor... abandoned as always...
But something had changed...
In the lasts steps, some dust started to show up... and the smell of paint invaded more and more my nose.
What I saw is... easy to explain, but hard to describe.
Teachers and their simple willpower, devoted themselves with effort to the place, repairing, painting, making it better...
"This should be done by the government", I thought.
Seeing them so devoted, laughing and talking while sweating, paint dripping and dust causing sneezes, was... moving.
I thought about their salaries, the heat of the day, their desires, their valuable time invested...
It wasn’t the most healthy place, speaking of a biological point of view. An allergic would probably need to get out running away. But it did was on a psychological, emotional way.
It was an unpleasant work, with a more than pleasant purpose.
“This is, no less, than love to art”.
martes, 10 de marzo de 2009
miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009
martes, 3 de marzo de 2009
The Day It Happens
I'm so angry with myself...
El Día Que Ocurra
Hoy, en una conversación de chat, un amigo me preguntó:
"¿Tenés blog? ¿Me lo pasás?"
No pude mentirle...
"Sí" - le dije - "Sí tengo blog, pero da lástima... Todavía no escribí nada, te lo paso cuando sea un blog decente..."
Qué desastre soy.
Si todavía no conocieron a nadie que empiece mil cosas y deje 999 sin terminar... ya pueden estar contentos que acá estoy.
Me doy tanta bronca...
Voy a ver si, dentro de unos días, me permito pasarle esta dirección de blog a mi amigo...
Te quiero Julián.